Deep Sea R&D
Date. To be defined
Location. Sarasota, Florida, USA, Earth.
Fundraising. Long term donations
Our interest in exploring the oceans goes very deep.
And is not a Joke
We are working on upcoming projects to study and build ROVs, Remotely Operated Vessels, that will allow us and our future partners among the oceanographic research institutes to increase the availability of ROVs able to explore the depth of our oceans.
An ROV os not much different from a submarine, in the way it works and operates, the only difference is that it is unmanned and remotely controlled. This simple fact makes on one side the built much simpler due to the removal of a survival shell for humans, on the other side being remotely controlled and being the water a bad media to transmit radio waves, there is the need to build an umbilical cord, called tether, to allow the pilot to operate the ROV from the surface.
As a Non Profit our goal is to build these vessels in a way to make this technology available to as many institutes as possible, at the most affordable price, so to expand as much as possible the capability of these institutes to make deep ocean research and greatly improve the knowledge of our planet.